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IIRSO May 2012, Internation Islamic Robot School Olympics 2012 in Malaysia

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Figure 1. IIRSO 2012 in Malaysia

'IIRSO May 2012'. IIRSO 2012 is one of event competition which hold to Islamic Robot School 2012. In another word that IISRO 2012 is one of the robot contest for students in the international. IISRO 2012 stand for International Islamic Robot School Olympics 2012

According Tempo Magazine (24th, May 2012) reported that A competition called IISRO (International Islamic School Robot Olympics) will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 23-27 May 2012. This worldwide competition initiated by the Community Group Robot Indonesia. "This is the first time held. Contents robot group of people," says the founder of Robot Indonesia Community Group, Adiatmo Rahardi, Wednesday, April 11, 2012.

Adiatmo said IISRO invites elementary school students to senior high school of Islam is skilled at making robots. He hopes the competition to attract young talent into the world of robotics technology. "Lots of talent that is not publicly known," said Adi, greeting familiar.

The plan of this competition will have nine categories. In the category Indoor Aerial Robot, said Adi, participants must fly the robot through various obstacles. The robot is flying by using quadcopter or four vanes are controlled by remote through Windows 7-based devices, IOS, or Android via a WiFi connection.

He added a special primary school level, participants were asked to make six planes origami paper provided the organizers. The work of the participants will be assessed from the duration of the flight and acrobatic movements that successfully carried out in a predetermined trajectory. Match the level of junior high school will use the robot to be controlled participants fly through the obstacles in the path of two poles. Each group consists of three members and must control the robot through the second pole barrier by forming a figure eight.

While the high school participants also have to control the robot flying through the prepared track. The difference, in number of obstacles in the path, and the addition of the goal square and circle.

IISRO 2012 Categories:

There are any nine categories of robot competition that will be held in IISRO 2012. There are:

  • Theatre Robot

  • Robot Rescue

  • Indoor aerial Robot

  • Sumo Robot

  • Underwater Robot

  • Line Tracer Robot

  • Robot Transporter

  • Robot Run

  • Low Cost Robot Project

  • Succes for holding International Islamic Robot School Olimpics 2012 (IIRSO 2012) in Malaysia. Good Luck.

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