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Robogames 2012, Gadjah Mada University and Unikom Indonesia Get Gold Medals

Thursday, May 24, 2012

 Figure 1. UGM Robot in Robogames 2012

'Robogames 2012'. - 'Robogames 2012' had been held in San Matio United States. As the result that one of the contestant from Indonesia get good achievement with get a gold medals.  'Robogames 2012' contestants from Indonesia are be  represented by Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and Unikom Indonesia get 5 gold medals and 1  silver medals.  

It consists of five gold medals two gold and one silver and three gold of UGM from Unikom. Three categories by a team of Unikom dijuarai is Shooting Gallery, Walker Challenge, and Ribbon Climber. Previously, Unikom won two gold medals and one silver medal in the contest Trinity College Fire Fighting Home Robot Contest and Robo Waiter in Hartford, Connecticut of robo waiter category of entry level and advanced level plus a silver medal for the advanced level. 

It make Unikom improve performance last year with the acquisition of four gold medals and one silver medal in 2011 of two contest, and also from UGM.

As reported from Kedaulatan Rakyat Magazine (04/26/2012) that Robot from the UGM team managed to get two gold medals at the event in 'Robogames 2012' in San Mateo American, mid-April. UGM also took a silver medal at the event, which was followed by 16 countries.

UGM robot teams involving students from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mathematics and Natural Sciences as well as vocational schools. Of the 59 events contested, UGM following the event and managed to get seven victories in three events.
Awards that were achieved by the UGM team is one of the golden robot fire iron, the robot who put out the candle (Fire Fighting) and one gold from isrobot stand balancing robot (Robot Equilibrium of Two Wheels).

For the robot that won the silver medal, he added, is the i-Kinematic-legged robot for obstacle course category (Walker Chalange).

Success for Indonesia Robot team which get good achievement in 'Robogames 2012', United states. Keep your Good Robot for Future.  
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